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Athletics – endless options to learn sports photography

I am often asked by amateur photographers (but also by professional photographers who want to orient differently) how to start sports photography easy, without requiring large investments. My answer is relatively simple. You look at local sports clubs, i.e. in the area where you live or work and ask them whether they have any objection you shooting them during their workouts or training sessions (or of course in competitions). As a little „treat“ you could indeed offer to provide the images to the sports club. The clubs usually have anyway short of footage, so they will probably not have any objections. It is advisable to select an athletic club. Above all, because in athletics so many sports are integrated. Long jump, high jump, shot put, javelin, discus and all running events provide the ambitious (amateur) photographers enough opportunities to „let off their steam“. My recommendation is, however, to speak with an experienced sports photographers about the „etiquette“ on the playfield concerning photographers. There are some points that must be considered. You want to be utmost sensitive to not disturb the competition mode. Give it a try and let me know how it went.

The cover picture shows Vanessa Low after her silver run in Rio de Janeiro at the Paralympics in 2016. The picture in the message body if of the European Championships of Athletics in July 2016 Amsterdam.

Until next time … Oliver

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