… this is the first entry on my brand new blog page, yeeeeaaaah. I will be adding content as time allows and try to really be discplined doing this ;-)….
Hi all, I am very proud and honored to be featured on Glyn Dewis‘ Webpage in his guestblog section. I have written a small article on that picture I took…
Good morning all, my guestblog „Stop Dying Inside and Live Your Dream“ on Glyn Dewis‚ web page is now published. If you want, go take a look at his webpage,…
We have our 10th Whisky Fair in Limburg going on today and tomorrow. The city is crowded like hell. Inside the fair burning hot and thousands of people. A very…
in terms of style is not as easy as I thought. It took quite a while to come up with the same mood/feel/look/expression and what have you as is in…
One last one for today. As oppose to the previous pictures where I used really radical effects, I was now using very subtle filters and color adjustments as well as…
haben wir am Wochenende im Studio gemacht. Die liebe Dunja ist mit einigen tollen Designs/Stylings angereist … wir hatten richtig was zu tun. War Klasse. Vielen lieben Dank Dunja. Grüße, Oliver
hat mein Bild „Spring“ im „Dark Beauty Magazin“ bekommen. Das ist nicht schlecht für den Anfang. 😉 Viele Grüße, Oliver