If you are going to be an artist, if you are really going to stick your neck out, if you are going to put it out there for the public, don't think for a moment that someone isn't occasionally going to stop on it. You either have to have, or have to develop a tough enough height, that you can accept that and go right on with what you are doing.
Evon Streetman – professor emeritus, university of florida, gainesville
That a dog was my dearest, oh god, you say is a sin, my dog is loyal in the storm, human beings not even in the wind.
Franz von Assisi
Dass mir mein Hund das Liebste sei, sagst du, oh Mensch, sei Sünde. Mein Hund ist mir im Sturme treu, der Mensch nicht mal im Winde.
There is no greater mistake than the hasty conclusion that opinions are worthless because they are badly argued.
Thomas H. Huxley
Es gibt keinen größeren Fehler den man machen könnte als den, vorschnell anzunehmen, dass eine Meinung nichts wert ist, nur weil sie schlecht vorgetragen wurde.